Mount Rushmore in Pencil Sketch: Learn-Draw-Sketch, You Can Too!

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore, in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota, United States.

Here, faces of 4 presidents of the US, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt are carved. These were chosen in order to honor the important role played by them all in the American history.

Here is a pencil sketch of the great sculpture:

how to make mount rushmore with pencil

Mount Rushmore: Pencil Sketch

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How I made it: when I was in 9th standard, my drawing teacher asked our class to make a pencil sketch of any monument. I was confused between Taj Mahal and Mount Rushmore, but then I finally decided to sketch Mount Rushmore, as it was different from what all other students sketched in my class.

I googled a photograph of the sculpture, took half of the ivory sheet, and then began sketching the sculpture with a HB Pencil. For shading, I used 2B, 4B and 6B pencils, (but mostly, it used 2B pencil and 6B pencil) for giving different shades and shadows. For the darkest parts, I made the use of a 6B pencil. It took a lot of patience and about 2 to 3 days to complete the sketch.

PRO Tip:
1. Try to avoid the use of an eraser, as much as you can.

2. When the sketch is all done, I used a 'Fixative Spray' to secure it. (This spray is used on pencil sketches, dry pastels and oil pastel painting to avoid smudging.)
learn to make mount rushmore pencil sketch
Mount Rushmore: Pencil Sketch
Mount Rushmore in Pencil Sketch: Learn-Draw-Sketch, You Can Too
Actual Picture, courtesy

Hope you creative design guys like it!

What do you think about this sketch, please let me know in the comments section below.

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